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~ Royalle's Puppies ~

Welcome to Royalle's Puppies page!  This is where we will post the bi-weekly updates for any current litter from Royalle, and you can also click the link to zip down to the bottom to see photos of all of Royalle's past litters!

Royalle Lorraine


Royalle -- October 2024 -18.jpg


Hartley Rei

Hartley -- November 2024 -46_edited.jpg


Born: January 16th, 2025

These parents will produce *CAVAPOOS* (approximately 25% Cavalier -- 75% Poodle) Please see our CAVAPOOS 101 page for details and refer to the F1B Cavapoo.


This will be our first litter from Royalle and Hartley

We anticipate that their puppies will mature to be in the estimated range of 15 to 20 lbs.



And the following colours are possible:

Ruby ( red / medium or dark) ~ Apricot (medium or dark) ~ Gold (medium or dark)

Please visit our Cavapoo Colours page for more colour details.


1. Dawn & Ryan Zwicker -- Matched to "Willow"(Reesa) DEPOSIT & HOLDING FEE RECEIVED / $1,165 due at 8 weeks!!
2. The Astri Family -- Matched to "Rosa" DEPOSIT & HOLDING FEE RECEIVED / $1,125 due at 8 weeks!!
3. Dale & Josee Chapman --
Matched to "Ruby" (RanleeDEPOSIT RECEIVED & HOLDING FEE RECEIVED!! / $1,165 due at 8 weeks!!
4. Sonia & Oliver Febbo -- Matched to "Yoshi" (HagenDEPOSIT RECEIVED & HOLDING FEE RECEIVED!! / $1,165 due at 8 weeks!!
5. Jasleen Kaur / Sukhjinder -- Matched to "Leo" (HansenDEPOSIT RECEIVED & PART-HOLDING FEE RECEIVED!!! / $1,725 due at 8 weeks!!
6. Amanda Vegnaduzzo -- Matched to "Saffron" (Rita)... DEPOSIT RECEIVED & HOLDING FEE RECEIVED!! / $1,165 due at 8 weeks!!

 All puppies spoken for!  NO AVAILABILITY !

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2 Boys & 4 Girls

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6 week old puppy update:

Royalle's puppies are now 6 weeks old today and the puppies are officially weaned from Royalle!  They are eating their food well and they are growing steadily!

The puppies have had a good first experience outside and they are doing very well on their outdoor potty skills having all done several pees while on their adventure
We are very happy with everything we can see in the puppies temperament wise and they show high intelligence through their curiosity in the world around them!

Below we have their 6-week photos and weights: 

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"Yoshi "

Puppy #1 Boy / Hagen

Yoshi-Hagen -- 6 weeks old.jpg

Matched to the Febbo Family!

6 week weight: 3 pounds & 9.2 ounces

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Willow-Reesa -- 6 weeks old.jpg

"Willow "

Puppy #2 Girl / Reesa

Matched to the Zwicker Family!

6 week weight: 2 pounds & 3.6 ounces

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"Rosa "

Puppy #3 Girl

Rosa -- 6 weeks old.jpg

Matched to the Astri Family!

6 week weight: 3 pounds & 4.6 ounces

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"Ruby "

Puppy #4 Girl / Ranlee

Ruby-Ranlee -- 6 weeks old.jpg

Matched to the Chapman Family!

6 week weight: 2 pounds & 6.6 ounces

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"Saffron "

Puppy #5 Girl / Rita

Rita -- 6 weeks old.jpg

Matched to the Vegnaduzzo Family!

6 week weight: 3 pounds & 2.4 ounces

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"Leo "

Puppy #6 Boy / Hansen

Leo-Hansen -- 6 weeks old.jpg

Matched to the Kaur Family!

6 week weight: 2 pounds & 5.6 ounces

Royalle's puppies were very co-operative for their grooming session this week!  They had a bath, a brief towel dry and finished drying with a big air professional grooming dryer and they handled it *very well*!  And they also had their nails trimmed and we dewormed the puppies again.

Here are some candid photos of the puppies while they were outside this afternoon!  They all thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

We have scheduled the puppies vet appointment for March 11th, 2025 where the puppies will receive a full health examination, 1st vaccination, and a deworming.

You should call ahead to the vet of your choice to schedule their 12-week appointment approximately 4 weeks from March 11th (around April 8th) and the receptionist will ask what it's for (2nd vaccine + deworming) and they will need to know the breed (Cavapoo), your puppy's date of birth (January 16th, 2025), and that their 1st vaccine will be given on March 11th, 2025 by the breeder's veterinarian who will supply a vaccine booklet.

Some vet clinics are booking up to 1-2 months ahead, so it is important to call to book your puppy's next appointment with plenty of time to spare!

We will be starting to have the puppies sleep in their crate at night, and anticipate that they will do well as there has been very little to no fussing throughout the day for pen changes, naps, etc.

And the scent blankets will be added to the puppy pen this week to help prepare the puppies for going to their new homes by getting the blankets smelling like their siblings and mom.

To complete Royalle and Hartley's puppies 6-week update we have a video of the puppies during their time outside investigating the snow:

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5 week puppy matches:

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"Reesa "

Puppy #2 Girl

Matched to the Zwicker Family!

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"Rosa "

Puppy #3 Girl


Matched to the Astri Family!

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"Ruby "

Puppy #4 Girl / Ranlee


Matched to the Chapman Family!

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"Rita "

Puppy #5 Girl


Matched to the Vegnaduzzo Family!

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"Yoshi "

Puppy #1 Boy / Hagen


Matched to the Febbo Family!

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"Leo "

Puppy #6 Boy / Hansen


Matched to the Kaur Family!

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4 week old puppy update:

Royalle's puppies are now 4 weeks old and today is going to be their last one in the whelping box in the Nursery before graduating to our living room tomorrow!

The puppies have started on eating slurry of raw meat, probiotics, and goats milk, and they lick the bowl clean *every* time which is wonderful to see!  It's time for Royalle to get a break from feeding them, and it's happening at natural time when wolves in the wild would introduce meat to their pups.

Below we have a couple quick candid photos of the puppies in their box this evening to mark their last night in the Nursery:

We got a huge amount of snow, and unfortunately a large part of our day had to be dedicated to snow removal!  It took us an hour and 45 minutes for us to even clear the back yard this morning before our dogs could go outside for their morning potty run! The photos below only show a *small* percentage of the magnitude of snow that was removed today:

With all the snow removal, the puppies heard our tractor and snow-blower working away for several hours! These are the types of things that provide desensitization opportunities to "normal" winter sounds.

By the time we got to the photos today, the lighting was not good, so please accept our apology for the poor colour in the puppy photos -- we did everything we could with artificial light.

Before the photos, the puppies had a bath, their nails trimmed, and the fur clipped in front of their eyes.  We are so highly impressed with how well the puppies handled all 3 experiences!  They were calm, co-operative and were not bothered at all!  And they also all did incredibly well with sitting for their photos!

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"Hagen "

Puppy #1 Boy

4 week weight: 2 pounds and 7.1 ounces

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"Reesa "

Puppy #2 Girl

4 week weight: 1 pound and 13.1 ounces

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"Rosa "

Puppy #3 Girl

4 week weight: 2 pounds and 9.1 ounces

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"Ranlee "

Puppy #4 Girl

4 week weight: 1 pound and 14.7 ounces

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"Rita "

Puppy #5 Girl

4 week weight: 2 pounds and 5.8 ounces

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"Hansen "

Puppy #6 Boy

4 week weight: 1 pound and 13.3 ounces

You will also be able to note that we gave the puppies coloured ID collars to help identify them more quickly!  

This litter is bright and curious about everything, and they also have a high food drive!  These are great qualities to have for future training, and we look forward to watching this litter continue to develop!

When the puppies are moved to our living room tomorrow, we will begin on their potty training with the use of washable potty pads.  And the eventual outside exposure after we navigate through puppy-choosing with the families.

We have a video of the puppies enjoying investigating their toys (taken this afternoon), and we'll sign off their 4 week update with this video:

We're excited to share the puppies with all the families on Royalle and Hartley's list this coming week for puppy-choosing!

Thank you!

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2 week old individual photo update:

We have the individual photos of the puppies as promised!  It's so cute to see their individuality peeking out behind their eyes and they will only become more expressive as the weeks progress!

You will note that we have given the puppies identification names that we will refer to each one of them as in order to quickly ID them.  We may add coloured collars by the 4 week update to further recognize them when they are facing away from us -- this will also be useful for the 5-week choosing.

The puppies were in awe of the brightly coloured backdrop on the photo set, and that is the whole idea to provide visual stimulation to promote curiosity!

Please enjoy the photos of the puppies:

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"Hagen "

Puppy #1 Boy

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"Reesa "

Puppy #2 Girl

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"Rosa "

Puppy #3 Girl

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"Ranlee "

Puppy #4 Girl

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"Rita "

Puppy #5 Girl

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"Hansen "

Puppy #6 Boy

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2 week old mini update:

Royalle's puppies are 2 weeks old and all of their eyes have opened!  This is one of the few litters we have had in the last 16 years when the entire litter has opened their eyes early!  Puppies eyes can open between day 10-18 with 14 days being the average, but this is when their eyes *start* to open and there are often still 1-2 puppies with eyes just peeking open for a few days.  Royalle's puppies have had their eyes open since Monday (day 11) which is incredible!

Puppies that open their eyes "early" are more intellectually advanced because they are able to process the world around them sooner than other puppies that open their eyes later on.  With how fast puppies grow and mature, a few days "extra" is like adding weeks of knowledge!  Any kickstart in nature is a huge advantage!

However, with eyes that open early, it is important to proactively protect the development of their eyes and not expose them to flashes from the camera in order to get that "perfect shot".  Puppies that are more advanced will often be curious enough to look directly at the camera, and that can be hard on their eyes when the camera flash is needed.  Today has been a very dull and overcast day and we would need to use a lot of artificial lighting (plus a flash) in order to get the photos, so we will be postponing individual photos until there is better natural lighting that can be used.  We have always been proactive about every aspect of our puppies health and development and we trust you understand the delay.

We do have a few quick snapshots of the puppies in a group setting where their eyes are not focusing on the flash:  

The colours will vary, because of the fact that it has been such a dull day, so please keep that in mind when viewing the photos.  

With the opening of their eyes -- puppies ears also open, so Royalle's puppies have also had a few days "extra" exposure to normal household sounds.  Over the coming days and weeks we will be adding various toys to inspire their curiosity and to create opportunities for play.  As well, we will begin introducing different sound recordings like thunderstorms, train whistles, traffic noises, power tools, etc. as a part of their desensitization to sounds they may encounter in the big world.

Royalle continues to be an excellent first time mom -- very calm, gentle, and relaxed in her mannerisms, and this is already showing through in her puppies!  All of her puppies are easy-going, rarely make any noise/fuss, and they are even calm while nursing.  Usually in large litters there can be a lot of "hussle" around the milk bar, but Royalle's puppies share the space without complaint.

This week we are giving the link to the Taking Home Puppy Online Instructional to help prepare you for adding a puppy to your home and providing care and training tips for the 1st year of your puppy's life.  For those on Royalle and Hartley's list -- please see your e-mail for the 2-week old puppy update for the link and page password.

We ask that all families on the list take advantage of the information in the Instructional, as it is there for your own benefit and it has proven to be a huge help to families who take the time to read it and explore the resources on the page. 

Here are a few photos of Royalle cuddling with her puppies while they are nursing:

We did the usual, but very important maintenance of nail trimming as a part of their grooming care, and the puppies had their first deworming as a start of our strict deworming protocol. Royalle does a good job at keeping her puppies clean, but we did also wipe the puppies down with puppy wipes for the overall experience and continued exposure to grooming in general.

We will begin e-mailing families on Royalle and Hartley's list soon to schedule puppy viewings either in-person or via Skype video call for the 5-week mark!  You will be able to decide if you want to visit in-person or see the puppies via video call.

As promised, we will get individual photos within the next 1-2 days when using natural lighting is possible.  But our
 next scheduled puppy update will be when the puppies turn 4 weeks old on:

Thursday, February 13th, 2025

​We have one more photo and also have a video of the puppies with Royalle to conclude the 2 week update:​​

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Birth Announcement:

Royalle has given birth to a beautiful litter of 6 ruby-coloured puppies!  There are 2 BOYS and 4 GIRLS born on January 16th between 12:20 AM and 3:46 AM.  As a first-time mom, Royalle is learning her new role and is doing a good job at taking care of her precious puppies!

The puppies are all nursing well, and they are quite strong and able to quickly navigate into place at the "milk bar".  In the photos below where the puppies are lined up and facing the camera -- the 2 BOYS are on the LEFT and the 4 GIRLS are on the RIGHT:

Some of the puppies do have white markings on their toes, chest, tiny tail tips, and white on the forehead -- we will be able to highlight their markings more as they grow, but for now staying warm and cuddling is more important for the puppies who are born already used to feeling their siblings up close to them.

We were not expecting 6 puppies as Royalle's belly didn't look that big, so this is a really nice surprise, and we're proud of Royalle rising to the "challenge" of a larger litter for her first time!  She has jumped right into cleaning her puppies, instinctively knowing what to do, and she has a gentle disposition in caring for her sweet babes!

We will ask that the families with "no preference" of gender to choose a girl, depending on who follows through with placing a deposit as there are only 2 boys born within this litter and we need to be able to save them for the families specifically wanting male puppies.  The puppies are all equal in colour, and we're confident that their temperaments will all be gentle and sweet as well, so there should be no issues on this matter.

For those on Royalle and Hartley's list - please see the Birth Announcement e-mail for information on how to place your deposit if you are interested in this litter.  And you will also find info on important dates, etc.

Our next puppy update will be when the puppies turn 2 weeks old on:

Thursday, January 30th, 2025

We will complete the Birth Announcement for Royalle and Hartley's puppies with a little video:

Royalle's Past Litters at Pleasant Meadows:

Royalle's Past Puppies

All photos of our dogs and original breed-related subject matter on this website are owned 

by Pleasant Meadows and are Copyrighted ©2008-2024


Use of any images of our dogs, puppies, or original breed-related subject matter from this website without our permission will result in legal action being taken.  Zero tolerance for downloading, saving, or taking screenshots!


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Quotes from trainers, veterinarians, and other dog experts are clearly marked as their expressions and Pleasant Meadows takes to

the subject matter! Pleasant Meadows also takes no claim to any images, links, or files that are for the purpose of researching a specific breed of dog, health topics for dogs in general, or products that are shown as recommendations for customers to buy.

Disclaimer: Pleasant Meadows has a "broad" watermark placed on our website to keep our images from being stolen.  Pleasant Meadows takes NO CLAIM to any jpeg images, GIFs, PNGs, or clipart of any kind that was sourced on Google. Pleasant Meadows will happily give credit to the original artists, photographers, animators, or companies if their names become known to us.

Raising quality Cavapoos in Central Ontario.

4.5 hours from London ~ 2.5 hrs from Toronto ~ 3 hrs from Barrie ~ 2.5 hrs from Oshawa
~ 1 hr & 50 minutes from Belleville ~ 2.5 hrs from Kingston ~ 2.5 hrs from Ottawa ~

Cavapoo, Cavoodle, Cavadoodle, Cavalier x Poodle, Cavalier Cross Poodle, Cavapoo Breeder Ontario, Cavapoo Breeder Canada, Cavapoo Breeder Toronto, Cavapoo Breeder London, Cavapoo Breeder Barrie, Cavapoo Breeder Oshawa, Cavapoo Breeder Kingston, Cavapoo Breeder Ottawa, Cavapoo Puppies Ontario, Cavapoo Puppies Canada, Brittanydoodle, Brittnedoodle, Brittanyspoodle, Brittanyspoo, Brittany x Poodle, Brittany Cross Poodle, Brittanydoodle Breeder Ontario, Brittanydoodle Breeder Canada, Brittanydoodle Breeder Toronto, Brittanydoodle Breeder London, Brittanydoodle Breeder Barrie, Brittanydoodle Breeder Oshawa, Brittanydoodle Breeder Kingston, Brittanydoodle Breeder Ottawa, Brittanydoodle Puppies Ontario, Brittanydoodle Puppies Canada. Brittnedoodle, Brittnespoodle, Brittanyspoo, Brittany x Poodle, Brittany Cross Poodle, Brittnedoodle Breeder Ontario, Brittnedoodle Breeder Canada, Brittnedoodle Breeder Toronto, Brittnedoodle Breeder London, Brittnedoodle Breeder Barrie, Brittnedoodle Breeder Oshawa, Brittnedoodle Breeder Kingston, Brittnedoodle Breeder Ottawa, Brittnedoodle Puppies Ontario, Britnedoodle Puppies Canada.

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