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The Waiting List Procedures


The process breakdown:
(a quick overview of how to get on a list right through to puppy pick up)
Step 1: Read the Puppy Purchase Agreement and the entirety of the rules listed on this page. If you accept the terms of the agreement and the rules, please feel free to fill out a Puppy Application!  We will not put your name on a waiting list until you have completed a Puppy Application as it is a part of our screening process!

Step 2: If your application is approved, we will contact you and you can then go on a waiting list with available spaces. To place your name on a waiting list we will collect a $100 placement fee to secure your position on a specific waiting list. The final decision on which waiting list you go on is at the sole discretion of Pleasant Meadows based on your suitability to the waiting list. If you do not agree with the choice, you are under no obligation to continue the process. We will contact you and give you all the details if your application is approved and give you info on how to place a placement fee! The placement fee is non-refundable, but it does not limit you to a specific waiting list (further explanation given in the Placement Fee section) Following our initial contact, all updates for the timeline of our planned litters will be posted on The Nursery page. You should check that page regularly for information and updates.
Step 3: When the puppies are born, we will send out an e-mail to announce their birth. This Birth Announcement e-mail will be sent out after we are confident that the puppies and the mother are settled and comfortable (usually within 24-48 hours). In the e-mail, we will give you the link to the mother's personal puppies page which will include photos of the mom and the puppies so that you can see that both mom and puppies are doing well!  We will also let you know the colours and genders of the puppies born, their birth order, and any other pertinent information!
Step 4: Upon receipt of the Birth Announcement email we will ask you to place a $500 DEPOSIT within 24 hours of receiving the Birth Announcement e-mail to confirm your desire to remain on the waiting list and to enable you to choose a puppy at 5-6 weeks of age. This deposit is non-refundable but it is transferable to a future litter (current if available or an upcoming litter with available spaces).  If you do not want to place a deposit after seeing photos of the puppies in the Birth Announcement we will remove your name from the waiting list.  You can at that point choose to drop off our lists entirely or move to a future list with available spaces. For those who place a deposit -- puppy updates are posted on our website at birth, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age. If there is an insufficient number of puppies born to accommodate you on a list even though you have already placed the $100 placement fee -- your name will be moved to the next list of your choice with availability and/or you may become a "back-up-contact" (we'll explain what that means later). We ask that you please do not e-mail us for additional photos between puppy updates as we put a lot of work into caring for and raising your puppy. This includes putting together a detailed outline of each week here at Pleasant Meadows, along with photos and videos for you to enjoy! It is a great deal of work to raise a litter and we ask you to please respect the process! We are here to answer specific questions that are not covered by the information and updates that are posted on our website.
Step 5: We will invite all families to visit in-person or Skype Video Call at 5-6 weeks of age to meet the parents of the puppies, and to choose a puppy.  For those within the province of Ontario, we definitely encourage you to visit in person to choose a puppy, although Skype calls will be available for everyone. We want you to be able to see the puppies and the parents -- this is important and we hope you think so too!  Families will be scheduled to visit (or Skype) in the order in which their name is on the waiting list. No visitation prior to 5 weeks is allowed for the safety of the puppies because their immune systems are still developing! Please see our Visitation Procedures for more details. 
Step 6: At 5-6 weeks of age, we will help match you to a puppy based on the temperament, energy level, fur type (for anyone with allergies), estimated size of the puppy, and gender. We do not humour families who are wanting to select a puppy solely for it's colour. The colour of a puppy should never be the sole reason you select a specific puppy -- temperament, energy level, etc. should always come first!  If you choose a puppy upon your visit at 5-6 weeks, and we approve the match as a suitable puppy for your home, we will then ask for you to place a HOLDING FEE, and the holding fee will hold your chosen puppy until he or she is ready to go home with you at 8 weeks of age. The holding fee is due within 24 hours of choosing your puppy. And the remaining balance for the puppy is due at 8 weeks of age. Please see our Puppy Prices page for our current puppy prices.
Step 7: All puppies must be paid for in full by 8 weeks of age. The final balance varies in price based on the type/breed or mix of puppy, but all deposits, holding fees, and the final balance are within the price listed plus HST. We have raised the Cavapoo for 15+ years and counting and now only raise the higher generations of Cavapoo with 3-5 generations of health-cleared parents behind them, and we offer the Brittanypoo for those wanting a lower generation Spaniel x Poodle mix.  The Brittanypoo is a healthier mix compared to the first generation Cavapoo (F1 or 50/50 mix), and they have similar temperaments that will have you falling in love! When coming to pick up your puppy, whenever possible, bring at least 1 other person with you to either drive or hold the puppy for you!  You can also bring along a blanket or towel for your puppy to snuggle in while riding home on your lap!  All puppies *MUST be picked up in person* -- we do not deliver or ship! We also require that all puppies are picked up on the day that the litter turns 8 weeks of age or the next closest correlating weekend (to be determined by Pleasant Meadows) -- the puppy-pick-up date will be calculated and made known to you at the time of the birth announcement of the puppies so you will have a full 8 weeks to prepare! 

Quick Overview ~ Step 1 to 7



PLACEMENT fee: When your puppy application is approved, we will ask you to place a $100 placement fee to secure your position on a waiting list.  The Placement Fee separate from our puppy price and meant to hold your position on a particular list. The placement fee is non-refundable but it does not limit you to a single waiting list.  You may have your name placed on a maximum of 2 waiting lists and if timing is not an issue for you, we can notify you of any earlier positions on a list or puppies that become available. Once your placement fee is placed, you are free to move around on our waiting lists, while still limiting your maximum of being on 2 waiting lists. Although, we -- Pleasant Meadows -- do reserve the right to limit placing your name on only one waiting list if our waiting lists are very full and we need room to place other excited families on any available spaces we may have! The placement fee is due immediately upon placement of your name on a waiting list with the sole exception being: Past puppy customers who have already purchased ONE or MORE of our puppies and are returning for a second or third puppy will not have to pay the placement fee.  


HOW THE Waiting lists Work: All of our upcoming litters are listed on the Puppy Waiting Lists page. The litters are posted as a guideline to our future plans and may be subject to change for any reason. We will take a MAXIMUM of 4 to 8 names per waiting list depending on the breed and individual mother, until AFTER the puppies are born.  If a sufficient number of puppies are born we will open up the list to accommodate more families.

Below is an example of how a list will appear:

1. Pleasant Meadows -- first choice
2. [name] -- female
3. [name] -- no preference
4. [name] -- male
5. [name] -- female

Pleasant Meadows reserves the right to have FIRST CHOICE from any of our litters, whether our name is listed at the top of the list or not!  You will see our name listed in the first position on most of our upcoming litters, but it doesn't mean that we will always choose to keep a puppy. We will do so only when it is necessary to plan ahead for our Future Stars here at Pleasant Meadows.  We reserve the right to choose a puppy at any point in time during the first 5 weeks (prior to families on the list choosing), and we will only choose a puppy if there are enough puppies available for those on the waiting list.  Any drama received from those on the list over our puppy selection will not be tolerated (we include this statement ONLY because we have dealt with this before!). 

All updates to the anticipated birth of the planned litter will be posted on The Nursery page! 


COMPASSIONATE ALLERGY CLAUSE: We provide an "allergy clause" not offered by any other breeder where for compassionate reasons, we -- Pleasant Meadows -- reserves the right to hold a puppy with curly fur that would be suitable for a person with severe allergies on any given list (when applicable) to ensure that someone with severe allergies is adequately matched to a puppy that will not cause an allergic reaction.  This is also a protection measure that ensures all of our puppies receive a forever home because they are matched appropriately according to specific needs (including allergy needs)!  When we reserve a puppy with curly fur for someone on a list, this will only happen in the event of genuine severe allergies.  Should that person opt to not choose the curly puppy that is being held for them -- the curly puppy would then become available to ANY other severe allergy sufferers waiting in queue, and then to the other people on the waiting list in the order of interest for that puppy starting at the top of the list moving down. In certain litters based on specific parents or generation of doodle it may not be necessary to hold a curly haired puppy (ie. all puppies within a litter may have sufficiently curly fur). It will not be tolerated if we find anyone "faking" severe allergies in an attempt to take part in this compassionate clause for a curly puppy.  We will not accept dishonesty and anyone "faking" severe allergies will not be permitted to purchase a puppy from us now or in the future.  This is for those with genuine severe allergies only, and medical verification may be requested!


Being a back-up-contact: If the waiting list of your choice is currently FULL, you may ask to become a "BACK-UP-CONTACT" which means that you will be notified for one of the following reasons: 

a) A position on a waiting list becomes available
b) One of our females gives birth to a sufficient number of puppies which allows us to accommodate you on the list
c) An older puppy becomes available 

The points above may be reasons we would contact you if you are a "BACK-UP-CONTACT" subject to your particular and individual suitability to the position on the list or the available puppy. For example, if you have severe allergies we will obviously only notify you if a suitable puppy is available and not one that will cause a reaction.

If there is room on a waiting list that is suitable for us to add your name -- please note that the above-mentioned placement fee applies!  You can choose to pay the $100 placement fee and go on a waiting list with available spaces AND still ask to be considered as a back-up-contact for the opportunity to go on an earlier waiting list if a position or puppy becomes available.  You will also be asked in your puppy application to select a time of year that works best for you to welcome a puppy into your home so that we know which of our litters will work for you!

Application Specifics: IF YOUR APPLICATION IS APPROVED, we will advise you on which waiting list will be best for you based on the information you provide in your puppy application. When you fill out the PUPPY APPLICATION you will indicate if you want a MALE or FEMALE puppy or if you have NO PREFERENCE of gender. When it's time to choose a puppy, you will ONLY be able to choose from the puppies within the litter that correlate with the gender you indicated when you filled out the PUPPY APPLICATION unless your preferred gender is not available.  So that means . . .

If you choose "female" as your puppy's gender preference -- you will only be able to choose from the female puppies within the litter UNLESS there are no females available when it's your turn to choose.

If you choose "male" as your puppy's gender preference -- you will only be able to choose from the male puppies within the litter UNLESS there are no males available when it's your turn to choose.

If you have "no preference" of gender for your puppy -- you will be able to choose from BOTH males and females depending on what is available when it is your turn to choose.  HOWEVER, we -- Pleasant Meadows -- reserve the right to tell you to choose from ONE gender if there is someone further down on the list wanting a specific gender, and we will hold at least one puppy of that specific gender for any individual or family further down on the list with a preferred gender to ensure that they can receive their preferred gender of puppy.  Since you have no preference of gender -- there should be no complaints when being asked to choose from one specific gender!  Dramatics will not be tolerated!

Our puppies are chosen starting at 5 weeks of age in the order in which your name is on the waiting list and according to the preference of gender indicated in your puppy application.  We will help match you to a puppy based on energy, temperament, etc.

If you want to change your preference of gender AFTER the puppies are born, your name will be moved to the BOTTOM of the list to avoid disrupting the other families on the list who will be expecting to choose according to their position and preferred gender as per the rules. This does not apply if an insufficient number of puppies in your preferred gender are born. You will ONLY be moved to the bottom of the list if YOU DECIDE to change your gender preference and NOT if nature changes the odds by producing an insufficient number of either gender.

For example, if you chose female as your preferred gender of puppy, and when it is your time to choose a puppy according to your position on the list and there are no females remaining for you -- *this is the one instance where you will be able to choose from the males without forfeiting your position on the list*.


Notification of Upcoming litter: Those on the waiting list will be e-mailed once the parents for the upcoming litter have been bred, and we will let you know the expected due dates for the litter.  At that time, we will be able to give you an approximate timeline of when the puppies will be born and when the puppies will be ready to leave Pleasant Meadows. We will also need to know whether or not it will work for you to welcome a puppy into your family based on the timeline for the litter. If the timeline does not work for you, we will do our best to accommodate you on a future waiting list with available spaces. Since technology in today's world permits emails to be easily accessed on phones -- if we do not hear back from you within 1 week of us sending the e-mail, we will assume that you no longer want a puppy and we will remove your name from the list.


Birth & Placing a deposit: Once the puppies are born, we will e-mail you with photos of the mother and the litter so that you can see that both puppies and the mother are doing well.  We will also let you know the colours and genders of the puppies (keep in mind that colours may change with maturity). At that time, we will ask if you want to place a $500 Deposit to secure your position on to choose a puppy at 5-6 weeks of age from the litter that has been born. Your $500 deposit is non-refundable but is transferable to another available puppy (if any) or to a future waiting list should you not choose a puppy at 5-6 weeks. The choosing process will start at 5 weeks and may last up to 6 weeks depending on litter size and when families can be scheduled to Skype video call or visit! The deposit is due within 24 hours of the birth announcement e-mail being sent to you, and if you choose not to send the deposit we will remove your name from the waiting list and you can either choose to move to a future waiting list with available spaces or you can walk away from our lists entirely.  Keep in mind that your $100 placement fee to initially go on our waiting lists is also non-refundable! 

We will be helping you choose a puppy at 5-6 weeks of age based on the temperament, energy level, fur type (for any allergy needs), estimated size of a puppy, and the gender of puppy. At the time of the birth announcement we let you know when the puppies will be turning 5 weeks of age when we allow for visitation or Skype Video calls to choose a puppy. And we will let you know when the puppies will be 8 weeks old and ready to be picked up.


Choosing a Puppy: We encourage you to come and choose a puppy in person (at 5-6 weeks) unless you have extenuating circumstances or live out of province. Alternatively, we can do a Skype call with you to help you choose a puppy. We believe that it is important to see the puppies, the parents of the puppies, where your puppy has been raised, and to choose a puppy in person based upon the temperament that will best match your family, lifestyle, and home environment. Anyone who is NOT able to come and choose in person will need to choose via Skype video call. Families choosing a puppy in person or by Skype video call will be expected to choose a puppy during the time frame of their visit or Skype call based on interactions and viewing of the puppies. Visits and/or Skype calls usually last 30 minutes to an hour.  We will help guide you to the best match for your family. (SKYPE VIDEO CALLS AND FACETIME VIDEO CALLS ARE AVAILABLE DURING BAD WEATHER, SCHEDULING CONFLICTS, FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS OUT OF PROVINCE, AND OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES) Visitation or Skype Video Calls will be scheduled in the order in which your name is on the waiting list. We do not permit viewing of the puppies out of sequence -- you will be required to make a decision on a puppy in the order in which your name is on the list and in the allotted time of your visitation or Skype Video Call.  The date(s) that families will be scheduled to come and choose their puppies will be given to you in the Birth Announcement Email that is sent out to the families on a list when a litter is born and the date(s) are, of course, based on the date of birth for each litter.  Everyone on the list will have a full 5-6 weeks from the birth of the puppies to when the puppies turn 5 weeks of age to clear their schedules in order to visit in person or Skype Video Call with us starting at 5 weeks of age and working our way down the waiting list until every family has chosen a puppy.  If the litter is a large litter, visitation or Skyping to choose may extend up to 6 weeks of age in order to fit all the families in for a visit or Skype call!  Our puppies need a minimum of an hour between visitors to rest and rejuvenate or perhaps eat a meal, and so as you can imagine, the visitation and/or Skype calls need to be spaced out, perhaps over the course of several days in order for each family to see active puppies instead of sleeping puppies. We are conscientious that some families can only travel on weekends due to work and/or school, but in order to keep things moving along smoothly, we ask that you please be respectful and come at your arranged visitation time and not plan another outing or book a vacation, etc. and then expect the world to stop turning for you!  Families are scheduled in the order in which their names are on the waiting list.  If someone on the list for a litter agrees to a visitation or Skype time to choose their puppy, and then cannot attend for whatever reason and asks to reschedule, legitimate or not, and it interferes and/or encroaches on the other families scheduled visits or Skype calls -- then the consequence would be that we will need to move whoever is asking to reschedule to the bottom of the waiting list to choose after the other families have chosen and that family would receive the remaining puppy if they are a good match.  There may be circumstances that lead to your need to reschedule that are out of your control, but we have to consider there are other families on the waiting list who perhaps may not be able to change (and shouldn't have to change) their schedules in order to work around someone else's life circumstance.  We also have to take into consideration the needs of our puppies and dogs, as well as the personal needs of all the families who are being scheduled to visit or Skype -- this task is amplified if we have more than one litter at the same time. Once everyone on a waiting list has booked a visitation or Skype call with us, rescheduling is not possible if it will interfere with the next families on the waiting list. We help guide each family to a puppy that will be a suitable match for their home and lifestyle based on the temperament, energy level, estimated size of a puppy, any gender preferences or allergy needs (ie. fur type), and the type of activities that a family may wish to enjoy with a puppy (which correlates with their size and energy level).  We will give you information about each puppy in the litter, and sometimes there may be multiple puppies in a litter that would be a suitable match for your family and the decision can then come down to other deciding factors such as the colouration of a puppy. But it is very important to keep in mind that we do not accept anyone wanting to choose a puppy based solely on the colouration of fur and we cannot guarantee that you will get a specific colour of puppy at choosing time. In the end, if you will not be happy with any colour of puppy, you shouldn't be on our waiting lists. It is impossible to guarantee what colours or genders of puppies will be born and no one should be choosing a puppy based solely on the colour of fur, and most colours will also change with maturity!  You don't get to "reject" your human children because of their hair colour, so let's stop being silly about the colour of dogs fur.  It also narrows the gene pool and causes health issues in later generations if dogs of the same colouration are bred together continually generation after generation.  We always breed dogs of different colouration, multi-colour carriers, or dogs with multi-coloured parents together for gene diversity, and therefore, we will typically have a full range of colours in our puppies which includes black fur.  We don't offer discounts for puppies of "less desirable" colours, as ALL COLOURS ARE BEAUTIFUL and people need to stop being so silly!  Energy and temperament are the most important factors for matching puppies to families. Our puppies are matched to families based on suitability, and each family, whether first or last on a waiting list will be given the same consideration as to whether or not a specific puppy will work for their home or not!  Sometimes, a puppy will choose it's new family and do the bulk of the work for us!  Dogs can read your energy and will often gravitate to people who match their unique flow of energy.  So, if you're looking for that special connection with a puppy -- it's all a part of the process!

Securing A puppy & Holding fee: At the time of choosing a puppy we will collect a holding fee IF YOU CHOOSE A PUPPY upon your scheduled visit or Skype video call. This holding fee is ONLY required IF you choose a puppy and the amount is determined by the breed or type/mix -- please see our Puppy Prices page for all payment details. If you do NOT choose a puppy from the litter this holding fee is not required and you can be moved to a future waiting list with available spaces, or opt to walk away at this time. The holding fee money will be used for us to start purchasing the items in the puppy starter kit which will be sent home with your puppy and go towards the vet examination and first vaccination at approximately 7 and a half weeks to 8 weeks of age.  The holding fee is the next step in your payment and due within 24 hours of your visit or Skype video call to choose a puppy The holding fee also holds WHICHEVER puppy YOU CHOOSE until the puppy is 8 weeks old and ready for you to PICK UP when the final balance is due.  Failure to place a holding fee within the 24 hours will subsequently remove you from the waiting list, and we reserve the right to refuse to not place your name on a future waiting list if your actions indicate that you are not suitable for one of our puppies.


TAKING PUPPY HOME INSTRUCTIONAL: We will provide you with a link to a compulsory and exclusive-to-Pleasant Meadows online instructional that will help you prepare for your puppy's first few weeks in your home! To give our puppies the best possible start in their new homes the instructional covers a wide range of puppy care and training tips that will help your puppy make a smooth transition into your home and give you a solid base for training your puppy.  A link to the "Taking Puppy Home Instructional" will be given to you when the puppies are 2 weeks old which will allow families to review the instructional over the course of a full 6 weeks in preparation for when the puppies turn 8 weeks of age and/or the closest correlating weekend (again, to be determined by Pleasant Meadows) when they can be picked up at 11:00 AM and/or 2:00 PM. Feedback from previous puppy customers confirms that the "Taking Puppy Home Instructional" is beneficial in providing confidence for the new owners in the care and initial training of their puppy. And by having the instructional online it not only allows us to "go green" and send puppy owners home with less paper in their Puppy Starter Kits, but it allows new puppy owners to access the instructional from the comfort of their own homes prior to taking their puppy home (which permits them to prepare) and they can refer back to it whenever necessary!


Final balance & Pick up: All puppies must be paid for in full by 8 weeks of age and picked up either on the day that the litter turns 8 weeks of age or the closest correlating weekend (to be determined by Pleasant Meadows).  The full price can be found on our Puppy Prices page -- the final balance is due 24 hours in ADVANCE of puppy pick up!

The puppy-pick-up date will be calculated and made known to you at the time of the birth announcement!  This will give you a full 8 weeks to clear your schedule to come on the day the puppies turn 8 weeks or the closet correlating weekend to be determined by Pleasant Meadows based on when the puppies will be ready to go! 

Puppy Pick Ups will be scheduled for 11:00 AM and/or 2:00 PM on the day that the puppies turn 8 weeks of age or the next correlating weekend (to be determined by Pleasant Meadows).  You may choose to come at either 11:00 am or 2:00 PM to pick up your puppy at 8 weeks of age! 

A $20 per day boarding fee will be applied to your puppy's price if you do not come to pick up your puppy on the day that the litter turns 8 weeks OR the closest correlating weekend (determined by Pleasant Meadows). And if you do not pick up your puppy by 9 weeks of age, you forfeit all rights to the puppy and the said puppy will be offered to the next interested family. As outlined on the Puppy Purchase Agreement, Puppy Prices page, as well as here on this page, your initial $100 placement fee and deposit of $500 placed at birth is non-refundable. Should your puppy NOT be picked up by 9 weeks of age you forfeit your puppy, and the holding fee and any additional payments made by the Buyer will not be refunded until after the said puppy has been purchased/paid in full by a new prospective family. Again, we will retain the $100 placement fee and the $500 deposit, and any additional payments will not be refunded until after the said puppy has been purchased/paid in full by a new prospective family. 

If you have any questions about the payment schedule or process please see our Puppy Prices page for details.

Take note: We have created these procedures to make choosing a puppy go as smoothly as possible. There will be NO tolerance for DRAMA of any kind, and we ask for your patience and your understanding, knowing that everyone has to go through the same procedure. Anyone objecting to these rules or being disrespectful in any way will be removed from the waiting list and kindly asked to continue their search for a puppy elsewhere. Pleasant Meadows reserves the right to remove your name from our waiting lists at any point in time. We are not obligated to sell anyone a puppy if we feel that you are not a good match for our puppies!  We care about every single one of our puppies, and we will politely as possible refuse a sale if it is not in the puppy's best interest and we feel that your home/lifestyle is not a good match!

All deposits are non-refundable if YOU walk away from the purchase and YOU decide that you do not want to choose a puppy.  If we decide that you are not a good match for one of our puppies now, or in the future, this is the ONLY time or circumstance in which your deposit will be returned. If your name is placed on our waiting lists it has been put there with the intent to sell you a puppy but if we find at any time prior to the puppy leaving the care of Pleasant Meadows that your family or home is not suitable for one of our puppies based on our sole discretion -- then we will not sell you a puppy and will respectfully let you know and return your deposit. 

To be clear, if you choose to walk away from purchasing a puppy from us, or if you cannot pay for your puppy by 8 weeks of age, your deposit is non-refundable as it is not easy to start the process of finding a good home for a puppy all over again if someone backs away from a purchase. To date, we have returned a few deposits to people who were not suitable for our puppies, but we have never had a family back out of a purchase. 

Our payment schedule and waiting list procedures are designed to invoke responsibility and to attract serious buyers who have researched the responsibility of raising a puppy into a dog and those who understand that it is a life-long commitment to that dog.

Puppy Application

If you agree to the rules and procedures on this page and to our Pleasant Meadows Puppy Purchase Agreement, please feel free to fill out our puppy application!

Skype Call Info


For choosing time at 5-6 weeks of age, we now offer Skype Video Calls to help families choose their puppy! A lot of families kept requesting Skype calls and so we finally gave it a try with our spring litters and it was a roaring success! You can easily view the puppies, see where they have been raised, and see the parents in their true relaxed form.  We found that families were able to choose quickly, easily, and decisively based upon the temperament of the available puppies, and the additional information we provide about each one.  Often families have a hard time choosing in person because it can be a little bit overwhelming with all the cute puppies around. This can make the process drawn out and the mom and puppies can get stressed from all the activity.  We are hoping that a good majority of our families will take advantage of the usefulness of Skype. As a side note, taking advantage of Skype can also save families the exasperation of inching through Toronto traffic and spending anywhere from 6-10 hours away from home (including traffic and visit time).

Video Calls 1a.JPG

While Skyping with us to view the puppies, please be sure to hit the VIDEO button when you answer our call (as indicated in the red box)!  This allows us to see you at the same that you see us and the puppies!  This really helps us to see your reactions to specific puppies for helping to match you to the right puppy and to be able to meet "face to face" is preferred and helps make the Skype call a little more interactive!  Thank you!

All photos of our dogs and original breed-related subject matter on this website are owned 

by Pleasant Meadows and are Copyrighted ©2008-2024


Use of any images of our dogs, puppies, or original breed-related subject matter from this website without our permission will result in legal action being taken.  Zero tolerance for downloading, saving, or taking screenshots!


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Quotes from trainers, veterinarians, and other dog experts are clearly marked as their expressions and Pleasant Meadows takes to

the subject matter! Pleasant Meadows also takes no claim to any images, links, or files that are for the purpose of researching a specific breed of dog, health topics for dogs in general, or products that are shown as recommendations for customers to buy.

Disclaimer: Pleasant Meadows has a "broad" watermark placed on our website to keep our images from being stolen.  Pleasant Meadows takes NO CLAIM to any jpeg images, GIFs, PNGs, or clipart of any kind that was sourced on Google. Pleasant Meadows will happily give credit to the original artists, photographers, animators, or companies if their names become known to us.

Raising quality Cavapoos in Central Ontario.

4.5 hours from London ~ 2.5 hrs from Toronto ~ 3 hrs from Barrie ~ 2.5 hrs from Oshawa
~ 1 hr & 50 minutes from Belleville ~ 2.5 hrs from Kingston ~ 2.5 hrs from Ottawa ~

Cavapoo, Cavoodle, Cavadoodle, Cavalier x Poodle, Cavalier Cross Poodle, Cavapoo Breeder Ontario, Cavapoo Breeder Canada, Cavapoo Breeder Toronto, Cavapoo Breeder London, Cavapoo Breeder Barrie, Cavapoo Breeder Oshawa, Cavapoo Breeder Kingston, Cavapoo Breeder Ottawa, Cavapoo Puppies Ontario, Cavapoo Puppies Canada, Brittanydoodle, Brittnedoodle, Brittanyspoodle, Brittanyspoo, Brittany x Poodle, Brittany Cross Poodle, Brittanydoodle Breeder Ontario, Brittanydoodle Breeder Canada, Brittanydoodle Breeder Toronto, Brittanydoodle Breeder London, Brittanydoodle Breeder Barrie, Brittanydoodle Breeder Oshawa, Brittanydoodle Breeder Kingston, Brittanydoodle Breeder Ottawa, Brittanydoodle Puppies Ontario, Brittanydoodle Puppies Canada. Brittnedoodle, Brittnespoodle, Brittanyspoo, Brittany x Poodle, Brittany Cross Poodle, Brittnedoodle Breeder Ontario, Brittnedoodle Breeder Canada, Brittnedoodle Breeder Toronto, Brittnedoodle Breeder London, Brittnedoodle Breeder Barrie, Brittnedoodle Breeder Oshawa, Brittnedoodle Breeder Kingston, Brittnedoodle Breeder Ottawa, Brittnedoodle Puppies Ontario, Britnedoodle Puppies Canada.

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